BankID is an identity verification company that provides ID verification and digital signature services, Businesses can get Real information from their users with BankID. Our Bankid Plugin eases the process for you.
KYC: Know your customer
In some businesses it is mandatory to know your customer’s identity to maintain a business relationship with them, this is where you need to make an effort to verify your customers identity. KYC processes are usually performed for Anti-Money Laundering purposes. KYC is also employed by companies of all sizes for the purpose of ensuring their proposed customers, agents, consultants, or distributors are anti-bribery compliant.
How do businesses perform KYC?
You may already know that most of online businesses that require their customers to verify their identity usually use methods like uploading their legal documents and then they verify the customer’s account by checking the uploaded documents which is a pain for both customer and the business owner, BankID has a smarter solution for this.
BankID gets its information from banks, and customers that install bankID application on their mobile get it from bank, so the information is 100% accurate and legal and all activities are recorded to bankID.
How to Integrate BankID into my services?
To integrate bankID to your service you need to sign a contract with one of the banks that support bankID, you can read the full guideline here
Once you do that, you need to develop your platform to connect to bankID APIs. We already have developed and connected BankID to a couple of our customers platforms and we are experienced in it, If you have a website or application we can help you to integrate BankID to your service. We also have developed a wordpress Plugin for it
WordPress BankID Plugin: Use bankid in your wordpress site
Our BankID Plugin for WordPress allows your users to Sign up and login to your site with BankID and also sign documents and contracts with it. This plugin can reduce your costs of integrating your site with bankid from scratch and it’s highly customizable, for more information and purchase you can contact us:
You can see Screenshots of the plugin below:

Features of our BankID plugin for WordPress
- Easy to use and highly customizable
- Totally based on WordPress REST API so it can be used anywhere (e.g you mobile app also)
- Easy to setup SSL certificates provided by bank
- Free setup by us
- Customization can be done if requested by customer
For free consultant and to know our prices contact us with email below :